some say monkey is cute. yes, previously it is, but now no more. i'm now joining a monkey haters group. i won't hate monkey for no reason. however, they really scared me that really force me to hate them. :(
i was carrying subway inside a plastic bag. yeah, i agree that it's very delicious that even monkeys from far away could smell it. when i walked up the stairs, suddenly i felt my plastic bag hit something, i thought i hit someone behind. however, when i turned back to say sorry, what i saw was a monkey hanging at my plastic bag. i was shocked to the max that i didn't know what to do and couldn't move at all because they are too many. i could only scream loudly. luckily, there was a guy in front came to help me out. if he wasn't there, i didn't know what to do anymore. i thank him so much. ♡
i think i won't pass through that place for certain period to avoid those stupid wild monkeys.
sleep tight,
merline ♡
I hate monkeys too. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Fortunately, I do not live near any monkeys. Whether that's more fortunate for me or for the monkeys, no one can say for sure.